News 2024

Ukrainian company Archer has developed a new tank sight

The Ukrainian company Archer has presented a modified version of the gunner's sight for main battle tanks. An electro-optical sighting system with a cooled detector is designed to replace Soviet sights on the T-64, says Naukatehnika.

New technologies have allowed for better performance in a more compact package than uncooled systems. According to the manufacturer, the sight allows for visibility and target designation at any time of the day at a distance of over 3.5 km. In addition to the increased range, gunners will get better image quality.

Detailed characteristics of the development have not yet been disclosed. Judging by the pictures, the new sight is made in the size of the standard device of the T-64 tank, which allows it to be integrated into the tank's control system with minimal modifications. Archer has completed testing of the new sight and is awaiting a contract with the Ukrainian Defense Ministry.

The novelty is intended for installation in the T-64BV mod. 2017 - Ukrainian modernization of the Soviet MBT. The vehicle has already received a modified TPN-1-49-23 gunner's night sight with an integrated thermal imaging channel based on an uncooled microbolometer. This made it possible to detect a target of the "man" type at a distance of up to 3000 m (Standard TPN-1-49-23 with an image intensifier detects targets at night at a distance of up to 1000 meters). Judging by the declared characteristics, the Archer development surpasses the modernized TVC, "saving" the dimensions of the tank's vulnerable equipment.

In turn, the "standard" T-64B were equipped with a 1A33 SLA with a 1G42 rangefinder sight stabilized in two planes with a smooth increase of x3-x9, and a field of view of 8 ° 24 '- 20 °. The rangefinder allows you to measure the range in the range of 500-4000 meters.

2021-07-30 14:38 World news