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Elbit to supply ammunition for the Italian army

Elbit to supply 120mm ammunition for the Italian Army's Ariete main battle tank. An Israeli company has won a contract worth 10.5 million euros for the supply of M339 ammunition.

The Israeli company Elbit Systems will supply 120-mm ammunition for the main battle tank Ariete of the Italian army. The German website reports that an Israeli company has won a contract worth 10.5 million euros for the supply of M339 ammunition.

The M339 is a multi-purpose high-explosive fragmentation (HE-MP-T) munition for fighting against fortifications, light and medium armored vehicles and against infantry. In addition, M303 (Target Practice, TP-T) companion training ammunition should be supplied.

Along with Elbit, the German company Rheinmetall received a contract to supply DM88 training ammunition for the Italian army. In addition, DM98 training ammunition was ordered. The order value is 6.2 million euros. Another supplier of 120 mm tank ammunition to Italy is the French company Nexter. A contract for the supply of high-explosive HE F1 ammunition worth almost two million euros has been signed.
2023-01-11 23:49 World news