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What is known about the main battle tank of Italy?

Many leading countries that have main battle tanks (MBTs) in service with their armies have attended to their modernization and updating to modern standards. By the way, this process is taking place in the USA, Germany, Great Britain, Russia, the new Altai MBT in Turkey.

Now, this race includes such a European country as Italy, whose army is armed with the Ariete C1 MBT. In Italy, the AMV program (Aggiornamento Mezza Vita - mid-life modernization) was launched, as a result of which the Italians plan to extend the life of their C1 Ariete until 2030/2035.

In 2019, the Armaments Directorate (DAT) of the Italian Army signed a contract worth 35 million euros with the CIO consortium for the development of the Ariete C1 modernization project and the production of three prototypes. According to the contract, the following must be delivered: AMV RT1 prototype, which includes improvements only to the engine compartment, chassis and body; the AMV RT2 prototype, which will, while retaining the old undercarriage and hull, have only an upgraded turret and fire control system; and, finally, the AMV RT3 prototype, which will be completely complete and have a modernized hull and turret.

According to the latest data, the Ariete AMV program provides for the serial modernization of 130 tanks, in the amount of 345 million euros.
2022-02-28 13:52 World news