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In Russia showed a light single-engine fighter Checkmate

checkmate single engine fighter
The International Aviation and Space Salon 2021 hosted a presentation of the Checkmate light single-engine fighter, which in Russia may be named the Su-75, says RT.

The promising aircraft is an initiative project of PJSC Sukhoi and belongs to the fifth generation. According to the developer, thanks to its modularity and wide combat capabilities, this vehicle can become a world leader in terms of price-combat effectiveness. Checkmate is expected to be in demand from overseas buyers. In the next 15 years, it is planned to release 300 fighters. The cost of the novelty will be $ 25-30 million. Analysts expect that the Russian aircraft will compete with the American fifth-generation F-35 aircraft on the international market.

On the sidelines of the International Aviation and Space Salon - 2021 in Zhukovsky, a presentation of the newest light tactical aircraft (LTS) of the Sukhoi company was held, which can be named the Su-75. The fighter's trade name for the global market is Checkmate. First, the car was presented to the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, and then to the general public.

As the General Director of the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC), Yuri Slyusar, told reporters at the presentation, the Russian company was prompted to create an aircraft by the fact that there are no high-quality single-engine aircraft available on the international market at the price and cost of a flight hour.
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